There are 3 profile results and 1 listings results.

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Here are the 3 results that match your search criteria.

Description: I'm a 26 years old singer-songwriter looking for a producer to collaborate with. I’m into jazz and electronic music (ambient, techno, house). I’m also always up for writing some experimental stuff and I do spoken word too. Some examples of what I’m into: Read more
Location: London
TagsSinger, Vocalist, Performer, Musician, Artist
Description: Hi I'm Tate Sutton. Some things about me : Drummer from South Africa. 14 years playing experience. Studied music for 4 years. Played, recorded, gigged and toured with many bands back home in South Africa. I like all music but some genres I like are Punk Rock, Metal(mainly screamo emo type metal), Rock, Indie and Alter... Read more
Location: Dover
TagsDrummer, Punk, Performer, Musician
Description: LOOKING FOR ALL MUSICIANS THAT WANT TO JOIN METAL BAND. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. Metal, death metal, black metal and all the other million sub genres. I will perform whatever needs performing. I'm a believer in showmanship. MESSAGE ME FOR CONTACT DETAILS
Location: Stevenage
TagsMetal, Death, Band, Drummer, Perform

Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: We have developed a platform for online live performances in front of live real online audiences. We want bands who want to perform right now and who have from 20 to 200 fans wanting to hear them and willing to take part in the tests too.
Location: Glasgow
Views: 310
Posted: 4 years ago by sweaty
Tagsband, wanted, to, perform, live