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Here are the 2 results that match your search criteria.

Description: I'm a 26 years old singer-songwriter looking for a producer to collaborate with. I’m into jazz and electronic music (ambient, techno, house). I’m also always up for writing some experimental stuff and I do spoken word too. Some examples of what I’m into: Read more
Location: London
TagsSinger, Vocalist, Performer, Musician, Artist
Description: Hi I'm Tate Sutton. Some things about me : Drummer from South Africa. 14 years playing experience. Studied music for 4 years. Played, recorded, gigged and toured with many bands back home in South Africa. I like all music but some genres I like are Punk Rock, Metal(mainly screamo emo type metal), Rock, Indie and Alter... Read more
Location: Dover
TagsDrummer, Punk, Performer, Musician

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