There are 1 profile results and 3 listings results.

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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: I am a guitarist. I mainly play flamenco and metal styles. I am looking for a cajon and percussion player to accompany me for restaurant gigs and also a metal band! Please message me if interested! :) Here is my website:
Location: Greater London
TagsCajon, Flamenco, Bossa, Percussion, Spanish

Here are the 3 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Hi there. I live in Henley and have been playing in and managing a successful high energy, events band for the last 20 years. Although the band is still a going concern, I'm now wanting to try something different. I've been inspired by recent bands and records I've heard to create a very lively, upbeat and creative guitar... Read more
Location: Henley-on-Thames
Views: 409
Posted: 5 years ago by sblackmore7
Tagsdrummer, cajon
Description: Hi there. I live in Henley and have been playing in and managing a successful high energy, events band for the last 20 years. Although the band is still a going concern, I'm now wanting to try something different. I've been inspired by recent bands and records I've heard to create a very lively, upbeat and creative guitar... Read more
Location: Henley-on-Thames
Views: 523
Posted: 5 years ago by sblackmore7
Tagsdrummer, cajon
Description: I am a flamenco and bossa solo guitarist who plays from bulerias to The girl from Ipanema to rumba styles and am looking for a new cajon player to accompany me for restaurant gigs. I have a gig lined-up on Friday 17th July in the evening at a summer concert in central London so preferably someone who is available for th... Read more
Location: Greater London
Views: 1032
Posted: 9 years ago by CharlotteGuitarist
Tagscajon, flamenco, bossa, percussion, spanish