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Description: Bassist plus some electric/acoustic guitar ability and backing vocals getting back into it after a long absence looking for a band to play soft rock with - eg beatles/mccartney/wings, eagles, america that kind of thing. Nothing too serious.
Location: Salisbury
Views: 211
Posted: 3 years ago by basmaniac
TagsSister, Golden, Hair, Anybody?
Description: Hey there!! We are are band called Three Years Younger and are looking for a bassist. ? We are two sisters who are three years apart and sing close harmonies, similar in style to First Aid Kit/ Haim. At the moment there are three of us in the full band - two vocalists, one who is a pianist and one a guitarist, and an inc... Read more
Location: Newmarket
Views: 272
Posted: 4 years ago by threeyearsyounger
TagsIndie, Pop, Harmony, Sisters