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Description: It’s great performing a whole song yourself but I deeply enjoy adding harmonies to songs, my biggest influence on the subject is Boyz II Men so a lot of my harmonies are in that style but not limited to that. I am avilable for fees for live performances and royalties for work on material that is either physical or digital... Read more
Location: Daventry
Views: 118
Posted: 1 year ago by rainmaker_leo
TagsHarmony, Backing, Session, Singer, Background
Description: It’s great performing a whole song yourself but I deeply enjoy adding harmonies to songs, my biggest influence on the subject is Boyz II Men so a lot of my harmonies are in that style but not limited to that. I am avilable for fees for live performances and royalties for work on material that is either physical or digital... Read more
Location: Daventry
Views: 108
Posted: 1 year ago by rainmaker_leo
TagsHarmony, Backing, Session, Singer, Background
Description: It’s great performing a whole song yourself but I deeply enjoy adding harmonies to songs, my biggest influence on the subject is Boyz II Men so a lot of my harmonies are in that style but not limited to that. I am avilable for fees for live performances and royalties for work on material that is either physical or digital... Read more
Location: Daventry
Views: 120
Posted: 1 year ago by rainmaker_leo
TagsHarmony, Backing, Session, Singer, Background
Description: I am a singer, songwriter and pianist looking to establish a band playing original songs, based in Sheffield. I'm in need of a guitarist (capable of playing acoustic and electric as well rhythm or lead) I am also looking for a Bass player (able to create some interesting parts). I also need a drummer. If you can sing, so... Read more
Location: Sheffield
Views: 235
Posted: 2 years ago by aaroncolemusician
TagsGuitarist, Bassist, Drummer, Harmony, Songwriter
Description: Hey there!! We are are band called Three Years Younger and are looking for a bassist. ? We are two sisters who are three years apart and sing close harmonies, similar in style to First Aid Kit/ Haim. At the moment there are three of us in the full band - two vocalists, one who is a pianist and one a guitarist, and an inc... Read more
Location: Newmarket
Views: 272
Posted: 4 years ago by threeyearsyounger
TagsIndie, Pop, Harmony, Sisters