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Description: The Blackwall is a London based Rock/metal band dedicated in the mix of heavy sounds with spooky atmospheres, drawing inspiration from everything vintage. We have released our debut EP via independent Italian label Club Inferno (My Kingdom Music) and have received very positive reviews. The band is currently looking for a... Read more
Location: London
Views: 108
Posted: 2 years ago by the_blackwall
TagsRock, Drummer', 'opeth', 'ghost', 'heavy
Description: Gohst is currently looking for a Bass player and a Keys player to join our Ghost tribute band, We are all eager to get gigging asap but are missing our final Ghouls. Our ages range from 21 to 50 and we are all laid back and easy-going. Your own equipment will be needed. We have plenty of rehearsal time to come so don't wo... Read more
Location: Barnsley
Views: 212
Posted: 2 years ago by metallev
TagsGhost, Metal, Keyboard, Bass, Tribute
Description: Hey up, we are currently looking for a keyboardist to join our Ghost tribute band, between us we are from Doncaster, Leeds, Sheffield, Huddersfield and Penistone, so rehearsals will be around these areas or central. Our ages range from 21 to 50 years old and we are all laid back and easy going, with plenty of time to lea... Read more
Location: Barnsley
Views: 250
Posted: 3 years ago by metallev
TagsGhost, Tribute, Yorkshire, Band
Description: Hi, We're looking for a bassist and keys/synth player to form a female fronted Ghost Tribute band. We're already vocals, guitars and drums. It doesn't matter how old you are, what gender you are or how experienced you are, as long as you have a passion for music (and Ghost) then let us know. We're based in Derby, so... Read more
Location: Derby
Views: 340
Posted: 4 years ago by heartlesssatan
TagsGhost, Tribute, Bass, Keys, Derby