There are 1 profile results and 7 listings results.

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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: I am a singer and I have been practicing nearly all my life. I have taken professional lessons though for only 4 years at derby school of music. I have a powerful octave range and can deliver incredible ranges. I have a smule account which I use daily; i am multi-genre with my vocals and can be extremely versatile. Here is ... Read more
Location: Derby
TagsDerby, Singer, Rock, Metal

Here are the 7 results that match your search criteria.

Description: We're looking for a drummer for our metal band writing original material. Influences range but primarily are Mastodon, Gatecreeper, Blood Incantation, Crowbar. We'd like someone laid back, well versed with double kick and can write in a rehearsal room (blast beats are optional). We're based in Derby and all in our 30s... Read more
Location: Derby
Views: 31
Posted: 3 weeks ago by nastyriffs
TagsDrummer, Metal, Derby
Description: I am a singer and I have been practicing nearly all my life. I have taken professional lessons though for only 4 years at derby school of music. I have a powerful octave range and can deliver ranges that artists such as Freddie mercury can harness. Here is a link to ‘in the end’ by Linkin Park on my smule: https://www.... Read more
Location: Derby
Views: 225
Posted: 1 year ago by tommybramley
TagsDerby, Gigs, Singer, Male, Vocalist
Description: Band: Currently a 3 piece and looking for a fourth member - Lead Guitarist or Bass Style: Original Indie Rock Practice: Every Friday: Abbey Lane Studios Derby 6-9 ( sometimes Thursday ) Setlist: Songs are ready and looking to be gigging ASAP! Location: Derby and Nottingham Call Frank: 07500 045740
Location: Ilkeston
Views: 161
Posted: 2 years ago by veralees
TagsLead, Guitarist, Bass, Player, Derby
Description: Looking for a bass player who wants to play punk similar to (Nirvana/Ramones/Joy Division/Sex Pistols etc...) Text if interested 07940177460 We've recorded an album already and are playing shows all over the country. We're called Paranoid Alice, just released our debut album. Heres a Spotify link; https://open.sp... Read more
Location: Derby
Views: 142
Posted: 2 years ago by deedee5
TagsBass, Derby, Bassist, Rock
Description: Anyone up for a tribute to the greatest American rock band if all time?..? I'm a guitarist with experience in a previous vh tribute looking for a singer/drummer and bassist 07453365074
Location: Derby
Views: 226
Posted: 3 years ago by vanhalenfan1983
TagsDerby, Nottingham, Leicester,
Description: Hi, We're looking for a bassist and keys/synth player to form a female fronted Ghost Tribute band. We're already vocals, guitars and drums. It doesn't matter how old you are, what gender you are or how experienced you are, as long as you have a passion for music (and Ghost) then let us know. We're based in Derby, so... Read more
Location: Derby
Views: 339
Posted: 4 years ago by heartlesssatan
TagsGhost, Tribute, Bass, Keys, Derby
Description: Female Jazz Vocalist Looking for Jazz Pianist to work with for paid gigs in the midland area. Please contact [email protected]
Location: Staffordshire
Views: 733
Posted: 10 years ago by misskcopeland
TagsJazz, Pianist, Derbyshire