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Description: Hi, I'm a songwriter/ music producer/ musician based in central London and I'm currently looking to collaborate with a violinist on an exciting new project! My music takes inspiration from eclectic sources spanning krautrock, psych rock, garage rock (think Karen O and Dangermouse's 'Lux Prima', Ty Segall, Thee Oh Sees, Lee Hazelwood and Nancy Sinatra, David Holmes' 'Unloved' soundtrack project for 'Killing Eve'(e.g. Shuggie Otis, George ‘Shadow’ Morton, Bruno Nicolai, Lee Hazlewood and Jack Nitzscheetc) Please contact me if that sounds up your street and you are interested to collaborate. Please include links to demos of your playing (via Soundcloud, Youtube etc). Contact me via https://soundcloud.com/columninches
Location: London
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 447
Posted: 5 years ago by columninches
Tagsviolinist, wanted, strings, wanted, producer
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