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Description: We are looking for a reliable bassist to join our originals band who play punk based music with various influences. It would be desirable if you could also do backing vocals although this is not essential. We currently use Westmoor social club as our primary rehearsal space but on occasion use other venues. We tend to rehearse late afternoon to fit in with band members availability and will primarily rehearse on Tuesday, but other days may be considered on occasion. We currently have 14 songs which include 2 covers. Age wise we range from mid 20's to myself who is 50. We have released a couple of songs via online streaming services, had a song aired on Bishop FM radio and have content online content on YouTube, Instagram and Tiktok. Going forward we are looking to release more content online with eventual aim of recording an EP and to start doing the occasional gig, likely as support first. If you wish to check us out search for "The GeneriX" via one of the various music streaming services or via social media. We have quite a recordings of song rehearsals on our Facebook page to give you more a broad range of what we do. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/554oqjkIQo4tgWnXkW4ijR?si=fAGGh0v3SD29xBMinFbeMg Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555054149884
Location: Ashington
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 46
Posted: 6 months ago by coxychris100
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