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Description: Follow in the footsteps of singer-songwriters Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith. We are seeking talented young musicians (aged 11 - 21) who play any instrument to a minimum Grade 7 standard to audition for Youth Music Theatre UK. We're looking for musicians of all styles including rock, folk, jazz, classical, electronic etc. You'll have the chance to work with some of the industry's leading composers and musical directors on brand new music theatre this summer. We're heading to 24 cities across the UK throughout January, February and April looking for talented, passionate and creative individuals. If you'd like to gain experience working in a pit-band, on stage band, or as an actor-musician then we'd love to hear from you. Get in contact on 0844 415 4858 for more information or head to our website: www.youthmusictheatreuk.org
Location: London
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 763
Posted: 11 years ago by Youth-Music-Theatre-UK
Tagsorchestra, theatre, band, pit-band, audition
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