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Description: I play guitar and I'm looking for drums/bass/vocals/another guitar. Was throwing around the name TITAN for the band and have some ideas too for lyrics etc. Looking for like-minded people to jam out some riffs/write our own material. Really into the obvious choices such as Sabbath, Candlemass, Sleep, Monolord, Electric Wizard, Conan etc Anything loud as sh*t, riff-filled grooves and fuzzy. If anyone has a space where we can jam/practice even better, ideally East Devon. Looking to have a lot of f***king fun working out some material and hopefully something serious can come of it in the future. Send me a message if interested.
Location: Newton Abbot
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 146
Posted: 2 years ago by darthdalecooper
TagsDoom, Heavy, Riffs, Metal
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