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Description: We are a Manchester based 3 piece that are auditioning for a singer. We have worked together for over 15 years, and have a wealth of music ready to be lyricised and a good laid back attitude, while still being focused on making new. and improving on our songs. Ideally we want to hit the ground running, but we need to find the right person to work with. The plan is lots of gigs, recording, and getting our music out there. We have access to a good home recording setup (including drums) and also access to professional recording studios as well. Influences range from Soundgarden, to Tool, but we very much have our own sound too. If you are interested in trying out, please contact us Link to soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/foolami2019/sets/new-singer
Location: Manchester
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 398
Posted: 5 years ago by Foolami2019
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