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Description: Guitarist and drummer seek: 7 STRING GUITARIST (Lead and Rhythm); 5/6 STRING BASSIST and VOCALIST (screaming and singing) To join ORIGINAL PROG INFLUENCED METAL BAND. We’re both in our mid twenties, dedicated to taking this project seriously and are looking for members with a creative energy and professional attitude. We live in Sale and Wigan respectively and both drive. Some tracks that have been finished recently can be heard here: https://soundcloud.com/osuivu/sets/utopia-ep The tunings we use are Drop Ab and B Standard. We have many more songs written and in the works. If interested please get in touch either through our Facebooks: https://www.facebook.com/rachaelannfaith https://www.facebook.com/sam.k.williams.7?fref=ts Or the band email: [email protected] We haven’t got a band name yet, we’re going to make a diplomatic decision when we’ve got a full line up  Thanks, Sam and Rach m/
Location: Sale
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 737
Posted: 10 years ago by FalltoDissolution
Tagsmetal, prog, 7, string, bass
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