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Description: We are a melodic rock band who have just lost the singer. We are looking for someone to come and have fun, writing, playing and recording music with us. The band name will change and we will want to write new original material with the new singer. We hope to make whoever joins feel part of the band straight away by including them in the decisions surrounding covers, band name and what direction we are heading in. We class ourselves at the moment as an Original Covers band. The long and short of it is, we love writing and recording our own songs and music and won't stop doing that, however as it gets harder to fill venues with friends and family we understand the need to play some covers and get a reputation for being hard working, professional and talented. We are a close group of friends having worked together for many years, we just want to have fun. We have 2 covers sets of about an hour each and had about 35 mins of original music but we want to write more with your take on our musical style. We are ready to gig when a singer is in place. We are hard working and professional, but please understand we have a home life too! We have kids and mortgages, so know that this is a serious hobby. If we ever "made it" we would love to make music our life, but understand there is more to music than being famous. It's about enjoying what we do as a band and making music we feel proud of playing live to people and feel good about listening to. If you are into what we do, great. If you aren't that is also fine, just tell us. We write together no one person is the "ego" behind what we do. Please let us know if you would like come and have a jam and see if we can have some fun making music.
Location: Addlestone
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 505
Posted: 7 years ago by TheRealTomTom
Tagsvocals, singer, rock, band, grunge
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