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Description: Renowned for their powerhouse live rock performances, Dynamite Chicken are one of the most popular, respected and entertaining rock bands in London, East Anglia and the South East. Dynamite Chicken serve up a vast array of foot stomping rock covers, so whether you have a taste for a modern rock covers band, a classic rock covers band, a hard rock covers band, or just a great night of entertainment and fun, Dynamite Chicken are sure to deliver. Look through the official Dynamite Chicken website to learn everything you'll ever need to know about the best rock covers band around. The aim of the game is fun! We rock hard enjoy what we do and look forward to the next gig. We're looking for a new Lead Vocalist/Frontman to join the family, someone who loves rocking out as much as us around work and family commitments (at the moment we tend to gig once or twice a month). We're very luck to be in demand so we're looking to bring in a new frontman and handover from our current frontman, and one of the founding fathers of Dynamite Chicken, Lee ASAP to not let down our venues or fans. Visit us at: www.dynamitechicken.co.uk Call us on: 07878 937 823
Location: Stevenage
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 197
Posted: 2 years ago by dynamitechicken
TagsRock, Singer, Rock, Covers, Rock
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