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Description: Hello, asking/ wanting management for our girl group MELANIN’ in which we all sing and dance and now in need and looking for management. We are a trio and our group is mainly inspired with the 90s music and style wise. We are currently looking for management to help and mould into what we want to be and help get to the top, literally help us from the ground-up. We believe we can stand out from other girl group at the moment because they are all the same and we want to bring is different. We are all hard working and determined to achieve our goal and especially want 2018 to be our year. If you could kindly consider us in managing our group would appreciated. A recently formed trio is in need for a manager to help and guide us. We don’t have anything yet but we want to do this professionally and want a manager to help us to the top. We are all 17 and prepared for the hard work and we are very determined. So if you would like to manage us pls don’t hesitate to message me so we can send recording of our voices and us singing and talk in more detail. Thank you.
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 497
Posted: 7 years ago by _Chhiii_
TagsProducer, management, manager, girlgroup
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