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Description: we are Los Leones Latinos and we are the world's ONLY Tribute to the kings of Latin Metal Ill Nino we require a talented Drummer to complete our line up Ill Nino use a drummer AND a percussionist so you will be working very closely together. you will need your own kit, able to practice at least once a fortnight in Leeds and have the ability to travel as far north as Glasgow and as far south as Hastings and everywhere in-between for the actual gigs, mainly on weekends. all gigs will be paid and your fuel will be covered by the band for all gigs we will be playing alongside many other extremely talented UK based metal tributes all over the country such as Korn, Disturbed, Deftones, Rage Against The Machine, Slipknot etc so dedication and knowledge of the energetic show that Ill Nino provide is a must. Ill Nino themselves are following us and in regular contact with us and when they come to the UK on tour next we will be booking a show nearby and they will be coming to see us live, so no pressure! reply on here or text me on 07938949998
Location: Leeds
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 574
Posted: 7 years ago by Amaranthor
Tagsmetal, drummer, leeds, yorkshire, heavy
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