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Description: Maybe you have always wanted this opportunity but have never had the chance you were in a band once and would love to be again you have always kept up your instrument/singing to a good standard you like 50s/60s pop/rock/jive/soul and swing Then this might be for you. A selection of music and videos can be found www.jukegroup.com to whet your appetite. I am in a position where I have the time to put a band together and am looking for: a bass guitarist a keyboard player a drummer vocalists - male and/or female - though you may be an instrumentalist as well. The band would be based in the Oldham/Saddleworth area for practice purposes so you would need your own transport. You would also need your own instrument and amplification although I have a PA System, a Mackie 16 input mixer and a few mikes. You would also need to be able to rehearse once a week, learn your parts and be staying in the area for the next couple of years. One of my reasons for doing this is to have fun and enjoy making music with other people. No point practising though without performing so the intention would be to be a gigging band. I am a rhythm guitarist and vocalist although, over the years, I have been involved in many different musical , all at semi-professional standards. I would want to keep the costs of running the group low though there would possibly be costs for a rehearsal room but hopefully any expenses would be covered, in time by income from gigs. If you are interested please contact me and I will get back to you. If you would like further information you can contact me here [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you and putting a great band together.
Location: Oldham
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 580
Posted: 8 years ago by juke
Tags50s60s, pop, drum, bass, keyboard
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