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Description: Are you looking for a reliable bass player who’s eager to learn? Are you a guitar hero or vocal diva looking for that final crucial ingredient to season your rhythm section? Look no further than here – I’m ready climb so deep into the pocket with your designated timekeeper we’ll be discovering natural gas seams before a safe exit can be devised. I come fully equipped with six points of bass player heading-nodding articulation – one opposable thumb for all of your pornstar-slap-bass overdrive needs. * Remember – no flair, no fuss! Your centre-stage performance dreams realised in minutes! Let me be a part of your groove solution – today! *Microphones, vocal harmonies and pick bass playing sold separately.
Location: London
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 246
Posted: 3 years ago by mortalwombat
TagsBass, Funk, Groove, Dance
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