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Description: Hi there! My mate and I are looking for an average guitarist to come and play with us. I’m on bass and my friend on drums. We’ve been playing casually for years but recently we’ve decided to start jamming at a studio in Acton. We basically are just picking some songs to learn then jamming them in the studio. I’m 41 and he’s 38. We’ve so far learnt… Come together (Beatles), Cornerstone (Arctic monkeys), Start (The Jam) & Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie). So, if you’re a guitarist and you are looking to have a jam and not be judged then get in touch. We’re completely average but can practice and learn a tune relatively quick. If you’re about the same level then perfect but honestly all are welcome.
Location: London
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 185
Posted: 7 months ago by steve82
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