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Description: Hi, we are edja, a Rock band based in London. Throughout 2021 we have released 5 singles and we have an album on the way; here's the link to listen to them. https://open.spotify.com/artist/3MaqG7uHjAv5FzLk9vLsfs?si=t0dJzQe3Rk6tyvNg-Syz8w We are currently looking for a DRUMMER to complete our line up as we start gigging around. They will need to be available for gigs, be able to record from home and rehearse at least once a week. Drop me a line if interested :) Cheers, edja
Location: London
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 177
Posted: 3 years ago by ariaedja
TagsRock, Drummer
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