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Description: We have an opening for a new drummer in an all original AOR rock band, must be able to practice twice a week and be available for regular gigs. Must be able to sing reasonably high backing vocals. Last year played on 3 BBC Introducing stations across the UK, opened Festwich etc etc, 3 EP's and an album finished within the next 2 months. Wanting someone who is dedicated to playing and is driven to progess in the industry. Practice in new mills, Must have own kit, everything else already supplied. www.risintides.co.uk www.facebook.com/risintides http://www.reverbnation.com/risintides Contact through here please Thankyou
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 642
Posted: 10 years ago by scutlins
Tagsdrummer, wanted, AOR, rock, band
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