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Description: Hey, we're the Black Powder Prophets, a new folky/bluegrassy band thing. We're looking for people preferably under 20 years old who can play cello/bass/violin in bluegrass style. Hopefully this'll be a long-term thing with gigging and album recording etc but who knows. We currently have two members- 1. Jacob, a mediocre singer and a better guitarist/mandolinist 2. Robert, an even more mediocre singer and a better harmonica player. (We both play percussion in the form of kick drums and foot tambourines) So yeah, if you're interested, feel free to send us a message :)
Location: Caldicot
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 272
Posted: 3 years ago by black-powder-prophets
TagsFolk, Bluegrass, Cello, Bass, Violin
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