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Description: Brand new Lincoln-based Metal band looking for Bass Guitarist to complete our line-up. We're all experienced, dedicated, and like-minded. Between us we have a passion for various Metal sub-genres including Metalcore, Post Hardcore, Prog-Metal, and more. Our philosophy is that all members are equal and that our ultimate sound will be an equal blend of everyone's musical preferences. The current members will be bringing influences from bands such as Architects, Polyphia, Dance Gavin Dance, Polaris, Beartooth... We will be featuring dual vocalists so there will also be screamed/clean vocal-interplays reminiscent of bands such as iPrevail, Of Mice & Men, Promise, etc. Please get in touch if this sounds like a band you'd fit into and would like to get involved with.
Location: Lincoln
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 308
Posted: 4 years ago by tomsharpe
Tagsmetal, metalcore, bass, guitarist
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