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Description: Adjudicator required for school ‘Battle of the Bands’ competition 5:30-7:30pm 28/6/2022 Location: Main Hall, Tiffin School, Queen Elizabeth Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, KT2 6RL (please call 07443 455862 on arrival) Time: 5:30-7:30pm Tuesday 28th June 2022 (competition begins at 6pm) Fee: £150. Please submit an invoice for £150 to [email protected]. Payment will be made in the week following the competition. Job description: The adjudicator will hear the musicians perform before selecting one winning band, one winning soloist and any performers they wish to ‘highly commend’. At the end of the competition they will speak briefly to the audience about their chosen highlights (approximately 5 minutes) before awarding the prizes. When speaking to the audience they will keep in mind that many of the performers will be young (11-18 years old) beginner/ inexperienced musicians. Person specification: A musician working in the contemporary music industry to whom young beginner/ inexperienced musicians aged 11-18 can relate. Application: please email to me [email protected] a brief biography (which will be printed in the programme and on our website) along with links to your work suitable for sharing with pupils aged 11-18 (Youtube links would be ideal). More details about the competition can be found at https://sites.google.com/tiffin.kingston.sch.uk/music/performances/battle-of-the-bands-2022
Location: Kingston upon Thames
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 157
Posted: 2 years ago by momalley
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