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Description: I'm a 17 year old guy looking for a rhythm guitarist, drummer and bassist (who can ideally play synths/keyboards too, but not directly necessary) who have a 'decent' level of playing ability. (We can improve together, Right?) I am a guitarist and vocalist and have a wide range of equipment from guitar pedals to amps to vocal effects pedals. The band will heavily be influenced by The 1975, as I am a huge fan of their music and aesthetic. Along with The Neighbourhood, Wolf Alice, etc. Once the band is fully formed, I would love us to perform covers and write our own material. (Obviously all of this is to be performed at our gigs!) I'd also love to get to the point where we need a manager and we get signed to a label etc. etc. etc. The name 'SugarLips' is an idea I've been playing with and has gone down a treat when suggested to friends. I've even have had a few graphic designs made up of potential logos. I'm an extremely self-sufficient musician and 'business' person. I'm extremely knowledgeable in making professional quality websites and adverts etc. Which would cut the cost of hiring external sources. I myself have extensive experience in doing gigs with other bands, and even some occasional solo open-mic night stuff. The members will be payed equally when we have received payment from gigs, advertising, etc. Age ideally 16-20. SERIOUS PEOPLE ONLY. Reply if INTERESTED or any questions or further information required. Regards, Paul Deacon //Love//
Location: Kent
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 599
Posted: 9 years ago by PaulDeacon98
TagsStoner, Grunge, Wanted, Indie
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