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Description: Currently, a vocalist and guitarist looking to form a metal band. Initially, we are looking for musicians to jam and rehearse with, but with the aim of moving into creating originals and gigging. We both have full-time jobs, so whilst we can't commit all of our time to the band, this is a serious project we are dedicated to. We will rehearse at least once a week in London (where we are based), our influences include: Lamb of God, Killswitch engage, August burns Red, Bury Tomorrow, As I lay Dying. I am a harsh metal vocalist so the kind of songs we will be doing will be akin to Lamb of god etc. I have a vocal cover below so you can get an idea. https://soundcloud.com/user-178799338/dark-infinate-cover?in=user-178799338/sets/covers-list If you also happen to do clean vocals that's a huge bonus as that would give us more flexibility on the songs we can do. Please get in touch if you are interested. Thanks, Connor
Location: Epsom
Distance: 0 miles from you
Views: 218
Posted: 3 years ago by connorob
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