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Description: hellooooo my names abi I've been a frontwoman in bands for over 10 years and it's something I adore unfortunately meeting other musicans who are dedicated and serious has been a issue my goal is one gig a month get recorded in the first year and rehearse weekly or bi weekly when theres a strong set list I can write effortl... Read more
Location: London
Views: 317
Posted: 5 years ago by abi87
TagsLead, vocals, singer, front, woman
Description: hellooooo my names abi I've been a frontwoman in bands for over 10 years and it's something I adore unfortunately meeting other musicans who are dedicated and serious has been a issue my goal is one gig a month get recorded in the first year and rehearse weekly or bi weekly when theres a strong set list I can write effort... Read more
Location: London
Views: 343
Posted: 5 years ago by abi87
Tagssinger, frontwoman, band, female, musicans
Description: hellooooo my names abi I've been a frontwoman in bands for over 10 years and it's something I adore unfortunately meeting other musicans who are dedicated and serious has been a issue my goal is one gig a month get recorded in the first year and rehearse weekly or bi weekly when theres a strong set list I can write effort... Read more
Location: London
Views: 333
Posted: 5 years ago by abi87
Tagssinger, frontwoman, band, female, musicans