There are 1 profile results and 2 listings results.

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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: Songwriter, producer and DJ looking to share and work on musical ideas with likeminded people. I love all genres of music and am very open minded when writing. Biggest inspirations are Linkin Park and Illenium.
Location: Christchurch
TagsProducer, Rock, Trap, EDM, DJ

Here are the 2 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Hi, need producer make trap type song or a manager, do send links of trap or Any work! Thanks
Location: Wolverhampton
Views: 234
Posted: 3 years ago by AbsAdrenaline
TagsTrap, Drill, Producer, Music, Manager
Description: Hi, need producer make trap type song or a manager, do send links of trap or Any work! Thanks
Location: Wolverhampton
Views: 230
Posted: 3 years ago by AbsAdrenaline
TagsTrap, Drill, Producer, Music, Manager