There are 4 profile results and 6 listings results.

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Here are the 4 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Friendly studio project looking for singers / vocalists to join our studio project. Reggae/rap/blues/commercial-all sorts of stuff going on. All original. We are not offering monetary rewards-unless it takes off of course, more looking for people to join the project and get their voices recorded and mixed. We release music ... Read more
Location: Launceston
TagsReggae, Studio, Vocalists, Singers, Recording
Description: Hi guys, I have been playing rhythm guitar since I was 12, I’m now 32. I’m not amazing but I have played in bands in my youth and then never managed to find musicians to jam with the music I like, punk rock. I want to create something different though. In that time I have learnt to play bass, drums and also learned... Read more
Location: High Wycombe
TagsDrummer, Recording, Studio, Song, Writer
Description: Guitarist seeking join band either already established or newly formed. Primarily playback but have played in other styles such as funk, alt rock/metal and country. I have my own equipment and pretty flexible for times to practice and gig.
Location: Gloucester
TagsRock, Funk, Guitar, Bass, Studio
Description: Polystrumentist - Keyboards (
Location: Greater
TagsMetal, Rock, Studio, DAW, Cubase

Here are the 6 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Hi - I am looking for musicians for collaborations. I am a songwriter, composer, and producer of eclectic styles of music. Would be great to hear from sweet vocalists, rappers, and songwriters to create new music.
Location: Rickmansworth
Views: 144
Posted: 2 years ago by potluckproductions
Tagsrapper', 'female, Vocals', 'recording, Studio
Description: Hi, I'm new to the Essex area and would like to offer my services as a depping drummer. I am self taught, play by ear and have 30 years studio and live experience. I've played many genres including rock, metal, pop, country, lounge, blues, jazz and funk. I have my own sound and technique and try not to emulate other dru... Read more
Location: Colchester
Views: 179
Posted: 2 years ago by jay-robertson
TagsDrums, Depping, Live, Studio
Description: Hello Oxford, I am offering free recorded live sessions at SAE Oxford’s Studio facilities for a Band looking to record 1-2 songs of their own choice from December 6th - 15th Ideally I am seeking a Band with a typical instrument setup consisting of Guitar, Bass, Drums and Vocals. This is a great opportunity to finis... Read more
Location: Banbury
Views: 223
Posted: 3 years ago by ryan96
TagsBand, Recording, Live, Studio, Oxford
Description: Hi there, I'm an experienced guitarist that has recently moved to Ware and I'm looking to join or start up a band with local musicians. I'm into Rock and Blues at the moment.
Location: Hertfordshire
Views: 629
Posted: 9 years ago by Lees-Music-Den
TagsBlues, Guitarist, Rock, Studio
Description: Hi there, I'm an experienced guitarist that has recently moved to Ware and I'm looking to join or start up a band with local musicians. I'm into Rock and Blues at the moment.
Location: Hertfordshire
Views: 557
Posted: 9 years ago by Lees-Music-Den
TagsBlues, Guitarist, Rock, Studio
Description: FREE STUDIO TIME/DEMO AVAILABLE Hi, I am just finishing off my sound engineering course and need to record a band in the studio for my final piece. This wouldn't cost the band anything and they would get 2 demo tracks done in the studio. This would be on Tuesday 14th April. It would be from 4pm til 10pm. I will master... Read more
Location: Milton Keynes
Views: 653
Posted: 9 years ago by melody86