There are 1 profile results and 3 listings results.

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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: I have been playing guitar for over four years now (I'd say I'd only got "good" in the past half year though). I have developed a fairly unique combination of funk based, folk inspired, hard rock fingerpicking with lots of technical skills like that you'd find in Matt Bellamy, Tom Morello and Jack White (helped by my three ... Read more
Location: Sandbach
TagsRock, Punk, Grunge, Pop, Space

Here are the 3 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Alt rock band seeking 4th member guitarist / keys player. Pref over 30YO. Album due next year and plans to record follow up in 2022. Gigs, festivals (we hope). Based in Durham but will be reheasing in Ncl. PM for links to music.
Location: Durham
Views: 192
Posted: 3 years ago by papabenj
TagsAlt, Rock, Prog, Rock, Space
Description: International collaboration wanted: searching Vocalist, Guitarist, Keyboarder - looking for excited progmusicians from all over the world to form a band projekt, lot of audiomaterial existing, too - Style: Progressive Music, Art Rock, Space Rock, R.I.O. Rock, Zeuhl, Avant Prog, Electronic... - where we are going to: fro... Read more
Location: London
Views: 592
Posted: 8 years ago by Mortimer
Tagsprogrock, artrock, spacerock
Description: International collaboration wanted: searching Vocalist, Guitarist, Drummer, Keyboarder - looking for excited progmusicians from all over the world to form a band projekt, lot of audiomaterial existing, too - Style: Progressive Music, Art Rock, Space Rock, R.I.O. Rock, Zeuhl, Avant Prog, Electronic... - where we are goin... Read more
Location: London
Views: 502
Posted: 8 years ago by Mortimer
TagsMusic, Art, Rock, Space, Rock