There are 1 profile results and 3 listings results.

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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: New project.... Male/Female vocals Bass Guitar lead/rhythm Guitar lead/rhythm Piano/keys Rock pop blues... Original music (tracks available)
Location: Exeter
TagsNew, Project, Band, Gigs, Touring

Here are the 3 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Hi, I’m looking for a band to join, I’m a mainly rhythm player , good time keeper, energetic, reliable and have plenty of spare time
Location: Woodbridge
Views: 17
Posted: 2 weeks ago by orangeman
TagsBand, Rhythm, Guitarist, Project,
Description: Hi, I’m looking for a band to join, I’m a mainly rhythm player , good time keeper, energetic, reliable and have plenty of spare time
Location: Woodbridge
Views: 16
Posted: 2 weeks ago by orangeman
TagsBand, Rhythm, Guitarist, Project,
Description: Hello! My name is Hannah and i am a second year at the Bristol Institute of Modern Music. I require a vocalist that has only been trained classically, to take part in a project for one of my modules. I am hoping to be able to analyse musical characteristics between singers that have been trained in different backgrounds... Read more
Location: City of Bristol
Views: 743
Posted: 10 years ago by hscou
Tagsclassical, project, singer