There are 1 profile results and 2 listings results.

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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: we are a band from stafford who make vibey beats and some indie vibes too. were new and have a good amount of experience bewteen the two of us. we make original music as we would like to releases music one day. we need a bass player a singer and a pianist and or keys.
Location: Stafford
TagsIndie, Chill, Vibe, Poetical, Rap

Here are the 2 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Hey i’m Ed, i’m a poet/singer-songwriter looking to collab with some musicians and create something beautiful
Location: London
Views: 219
Posted: 3 years ago by lyrical_licks
Tagssinger, songwriter, lyrics, poet
Description: We are looking for a singe male or female that can sing indie or rap slightly etc. As well as this we are also looking for a bass player who has at least 5 years of experience or at least can play a bass to a decent standard. please email me using my profile if youre interested
Location: Stafford
Views: 300
Posted: 4 years ago by nova-band
Tagsindie, chill, vibe, poetical, rap