There are 2 profile results and 1 listings results.

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Here are the 2 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Looking for flutist,female singer and bassist for a gig in Paris in September as well as recording our CD over the summer.We are folky pop with acoustic guitar and piano.I used to play in The Sea Urchins.Review of MV demos at Baby Bliss/Aqua Marine. Contact [email protected] or tel:07428177714
Location: Birmingham
TagsFolk-pop, Folk, Flutist, Mystic
Description: I’m a singer and songwriter and I’m DESPERATELY looking for someone to collaborate with. As I make most of my own music I am quite limited in the genres I play, but I tend to stick to indie/alternative tracks - though I am open to trying anything! You can listen to my music here on Bandmix or here: https://amazingradio.... Read more
Location: Norwich
TagsIndie, Dreamy, Pop, Rock,

Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: We are looking for a drummer to join an established killswitch engage and bullet for my valentine tribute band. Must have own gear and transport. Paying Gigs booked all over the UK and permanent rehearsal space in Manchester at Brunswick mill. Contact me on 07821456437, or email [email protected].
Location: Manchester
Views: 488
Posted: 5 years ago by aluckman321
TagsKillswitch, engage, bullet, for, my