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Here are the 3 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Hi, I’m looking for a lead guitarist to join my band. We have several songs now and would like a strong guitarist to come in with great ideas sonically. Someone who can take a song and run with it and not be afraid to chop and change it. Ideally someone who is seasoned and been in a few bands. The band will always be equa... Read more
Location: London
Views: 141
Posted: 1 year ago by echos_answer
TagsLead, Guitarist, Wanted, To, Join
Description: Looking to join/form a band with like minded people. Been playing a few years and never got around to being in a band.. time to start.
Location: West Sussex
Views: 610
Posted: 8 years ago by fraggle
Tagsform, join, band
Description: Looking to join/form a band with like minded people. Been playing a few years and never got around to being in a band.. time to start.
Location: West Sussex
Views: 611
Posted: 8 years ago by fraggle
Tagsform, join, band