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Here are the 2 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Newly formed all female covers band currently looking for a female lead guitarist to complete our line up. We comprise of a bass player, lead singer and drummer. Age range between 27-40. All ages welcome! We just want to have some fun and eventually get a set together to gig. We rehearse every few weeks in Watford and have ... Read more
Location: Hemel Hempstead
Views: 381
Posted: 5 years ago by BoobyTrap
Tagslead, guitar., Cover, band
Description: We are looking for a lead singer (male or female) for a country band that performs both traditional (Johnny Cash / Dolly Parton) and modern (Tim McGraw, Lady Antebellum) country music. We also need a rhythm guitarist, so playing would be useful, but not essential. We would rather have the right person and work with them to ... Read more
Location: Bedford
Views: 575
Posted: 8 years ago by dustytsc
TagsCountry, Singer, Rhythm, Guitar.