There are 1 profile results and 1 listings results.

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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: I like playing fast and/or heavy, aggressive and upfront styles. Grungy and melodic are also okay but I need some songs in a set to really sink my teeth into. I like to work on songs and really try to collaborate to make something good. I know some music theory and I have been in a few different bands/acts over the years pl... Read more
Location: Glasgow
TagsPunk, Indie, Diy, Rock, Grunge

Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: I’m looking to form a DIY band - open to different all genres. It's been a few years but am keen to get to playing - I’ve played as a drummer in a few DIY bands before. Open to trying a new instrument too. You don’t need to be a pro or have band experience, folks from all levels are welcome. Looking to connect w... Read more
Location: Hastings
Views: 69
Posted: 5 months ago by diypunk
TagsDIY, Punk, Guitar, Bass, Keys