There are 1 profile results and 7 listings results.

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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: I am a rhythm guitarist with a passion for noel Gallaghers high flying birds. I write my own songs and sing, use a Gibson es 355 and a PRS SE acoustic. I really really want to join a band, I have a grade 1 in drumming and I have been educated up to grade three devices. Bear in mind I am not a theoretical person an... Read more
TagsSinger, Cosmic, Songwriter, Guitarist, Rock

Here are the 7 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Hey, I'm Robert (or James to my friends). I'm 18 years old and really want to join or form a band. I've been learning to play the guitar for a couple of years now, as well as playing drums for a few years before that. I've recently begun writing my own songs and discovering a love for singing. I'm heavily inspired by ... Read more
Views: 292
Posted: 3 years ago by the-peacock
Tagsguitarist, singer, songwriter, britpop, cosmic
Description: Hey, I'm Robert (or James to my friends). I'm 18 years old and really want to join or form a band. I've been learning to play the guitar for a couple of years now, as well as playing drums for a few years before that. I've recently begun writing my own songs and discovering a love for singing. I'm heavily inspired by ... Read more
Views: 246
Posted: 3 years ago by the-peacock
Tagsguitarist, singer, songwriter, britpop, cosmic
Description: hello, my name is Robert or James (i prefer James,), I'm 18 years old and really want to join or form a band, no duh that's why this site is here. I'm heavily inspired by richard Ashcroft and Noel Gallaghers high flying birds. and am looking to form a band similar to the verve and or NGHFB I play a Gibson es 355 '59 cus... Read more
Views: 210
Posted: 3 years ago by the-peacock
Tagssinger, cosmic, songwriter, guitarist, rock
Description: hello, my name is Robert or James (i prefer James,), I'm 18 years old and really want to join or form a band, no duh that's why this site is here. I'm heavily inspired by richard Ashcroft and Noel Gallaghers high flying birds. and am looking to form a band similar to the verve and or NGHFB I play a Gibson es 355 '59 cus... Read more
Views: 215
Posted: 3 years ago by the-peacock
Tagssinger, cosmic, songwriter, guitarist, rock
Description: hello my name is Robert James Dean, I am an 18-year-old looking to join or form a band my style is that of the cosmic pop and alternative rock band, I take inspiration from Noel Gallagher who is undoubtedly my hero and my top five favourite bands are: Noel Gallaghers high flying birds, oasis, the Beatles, the rolling sto... Read more
Views: 261
Posted: 4 years ago by the-peacock
Tagssinger, cosmic, songwriter, guitarist, rock
Description: Hi, my name is Robert James Dean... I'm an 18-year-old singer/songwriter and rhythmic guitarist with experience as a drummer, although I would like to mainly stick to singing and rhythm guitar work + songwriting because these songs are going to be amazing and I would love to be a part of something, if you would then I'm you... Read more
Views: 273
Posted: 4 years ago by the-peacock
Tagssinger, cosmic, songwriter, guitarist, rock
Description: I am a rhythm guitarist with a passion for noel Gallaghers high flying birds, I write my own songs and sing, I use a Gibson es 355 and a PRS SE acoustic. I really really want to join a band, I have a grade 1 in drumming and I have been educated up to grade three devices. Bear in mind I am not a theoretical person and ... Read more
Views: 249
Posted: 4 years ago by the-peacock
Tagssinger, cosmic, songwriter, guitarist, rock