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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: Melody Nights is the agency where you can book quality live music entertainment for your special event in the UK and Overseas. We represent hundreds of established artists, across all music genre and styles. This includes solo performers, groups, covers, tributes, reality tv and top named famous artists. The team at Mel... Read more
Location: London
TagsSolo, Musician, Artist, Wanted, Booking

Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: Melody Nights is a live music booking agency representing professional musicians worldwide. We are looking for more talented Musicians to join our new “Solo Musician Database” If you can play an instrument and sing, please get in touch for registration details. Send your contact info to anna.tsui@melo... Read more
Location: London
Views: 779
Posted: 10 years ago by melodynights
TagsSolo, musician, artist, wanted, booking