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Here are the 3 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Guitarist/songwriter & drummer seek BASSIST for grungey/new wavey garage outfit called 'Anguish Languish' with own material. I'm NOT looking for virtuosos or pros hungry for fame & fortune or work, just someone who wants to improve & enjoy bantery yet purposeful rehearsal once a week (Saturday arvo) at Earth Studios, Norwic... Read more
Location: Norwich
Views: 369
Posted: 5 years ago by lynxengland78
TagsBassist, Norfolk, Amateur, Grunge, Punk
Description: Help!! Need fellow beginner saxophone, guitar players that want to get together for mutual assistance, jamming along etc.
Location: Altrincham
Views: 695
Posted: 10 years ago by Norkster
TagsSaxophone, guitar, help, amateur, harmonica
Description: I am an amateur mature blues/rockdrummer looking for a band. I have been playing a long time and covered most styles. Blues is my real love
Location: Watford
Views: 675
Posted: 10 years ago by dembloosmen
Tagsdrummer, blues, veteran, amateur