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Here are the 2 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Two old blokes (guitarist & drummer hoping to shake off over 20 years of rust........ We're looking for a vocalist to get something started - initially doing punk/rock covers & we'll see where it goes from there. Common ground is currently: The Jam, Buzzcocks, The Clash, The Damned & Pistols
Location: Watford
Views: 172
Posted: 2 years ago by nomad01uk
TagsVocalist, Punkrock, Covers, Watford
Description: Two old blokes (guitarist & drummer hoping to shake off over 20 years of rust........ We're looking for a bassist to get something started - initially doing punk/rock covers & we'll see where it goes from there. Common ground is currently: The Jam, Buzzcocks, The Clash, The Damned & Pistols
Location: Watford
Views: 160
Posted: 2 years ago by nomad01uk
TagsBassist, Punkcovers, Watford