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Here are the 3 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Looking for a bass guitar and lead guitarist. Ages 15-18. Within Lancashire area. Ideally female, non-binary or queer. Amateur band just looking to have fun and play music.
Location: Leyland
Views: 155
Posted: 1 year ago by fudgemudge
TagsBassguitar, Leadguitar, Teenage,
Description: Young indie band from Suffolk looking for teenaged musicians to join our band for our first EP we are 15-16 so looking for similar age ratings
Location: Bury Saint Edmunds
Views: 320
Posted: 4 years ago by goliathband
TagsIndie, Teenager, Rock,
Description: We're a 14-16 year old rock band looking for a singer. We already have a drummer, guitarist and bassist. Weve all been playing for at least 5 years, so would want a singer to be of the same standard.
Location: Hertfordshire
Views: 663
Posted: 10 years ago by austin_the_drummer
Tagsrock, singer, teenager, essex