There are 1 profile results and 1 listings results.

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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: Name: Stan Location: Pinner, Middlesex Seeking: Band or vocalist & guitarist & drummer to form band. Vocalist to form duo also an option. I'm a bassist/guitarist (preference is bass), 69 YOA, with some backing vocals and lots of gigging experience. After a 2 year-plus layoff that started at the beginning of lockdo... Read more
Location: Pinner
TagsBassist, Rock, Blues, Sixties, Southern

Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: Bass guitarist wanted for our boogie rock band Melonheadman, backing vocal too, would be grande. Rock originals and some covers by Mott, Bad Company, Skynyrd. Rehearse on a Thursday night nr Crowborough, Looking to gig once to twice a month
Location: Tunbridge Wells
Views: 142
Posted: 1 year ago by savs
TagsBassist, Classic, Rock, Southern, Rock