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Description: We are an experienced, gig ready shadows tribute band searching for a drummer. We are a group of three like minded musicians all with a passion for the shadows and their music. All of our gear is authentic and is key to us getting ‘that shadows sound’ and we want our drummer to be able to fit in with the rest of the gro... Read more
Location: Ross-on-Wye
Views: 140
Posted: 2 years ago by meginross
TagsShadows, Drummer
Description: Simply The Shadows a Tribute to Hank Marvin The Shadows and Cliff Richard
Location: Bournemouth
Views: 195
Posted: 2 years ago by simplytheshadows1958
TagsThe, Shadows, Hank, Marvin, Bruce
Description: Drummer & keyboard player wanted for a Cliff & the shadows tribute.. work waiting.. please contact George (after 12.30pm) 07967910659 or Dave 07941568757
Location: Lincoln
Views: 506
Posted: 7 years ago by rick61
Tagscliff, shadows, tribute