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Here are the 2 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Singer looking to join already or newly established band. I’m very flexible with genres but preferably looking for an indie rock band but completely open to suggestions. Age range approx 18-25. Looking for something pretty serious, building fan base, regular gigging, writing originals etc..
Location: Brighouse
Views: 228
Posted: 3 years ago by jxde
TagsVocalist, Singer, Serious, Band, Touring
Description: Singer looking to join already or newly established band. I’m very flexible with genres but preferably looking for an indie rock band but completely open to suggestions. Age range approx 18-25. Looking for something pretty serious, building fan base, regular gigging, writing originals etc..
Location: Brighouse
Views: 212
Posted: 3 years ago by jxde
TagsVocalist, Singer, Serious, Band, Touring