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Here are the 4 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Looking for a committed bassist to join a semi popular glam-pop band in London, as well as a session (paid) male vocalist to join a hard/theatrical rock band. If easier, please get in touch via DM on Instagram: @alex_marvey (This platform won't let me upload my bio and contact details)
Location: London
Views: 27
Posted: 2 months ago by alex-marvey
TagsRock, Metal, Rockband, Bassist, Singer
Description: Me and some friends have started a band and are looking for a girl drummer preferably from ages 13-16. We're into rock/heavy metal'punk/pop and are looking for someone into the same type of music . We write our own songs as well playing covers and hope that in the future we might get a few gigs. If your interested please em... Read more
Location: Oxfordshire
Views: 615
Posted: 9 years ago by Nadiamestre
Tags#music, #rockband, #girlband
Description: Me and some friends have started a band and we're looking for a girl bass player. Preferably from ages 13-16. We're into rock/heavy metal'punk/pop and are looking for someone into the same type of music . We write our own songs as well playing covers and hope that in the future we might get a few gigs. If your interested pl... Read more
Location: Oxfordshire
Views: 621
Posted: 9 years ago by Nadiamestre
Tags#music, #rockband, #girlband
Description: Me and some friends have started a band and we're looking for a girl bass player. Preferably from ages 13-16. We're into rock/heavy metal'punk/pop and are looking for someone into the same type of music . We write our own songs as well playing covers and hope that in the future we might get a few gigs. If your interested pl... Read more
Location: Oxfordshire
Views: 591
Posted: 9 years ago by Nadiamestre
Tags#music, #rockband, #girlband