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Description: Hi, guys! I am after musicians willing to participate in audio/visual workshop for teens. I am a visual artist/teacher working on a concept which would stimulate teens to progress more with their creative minds. The sessions would be pre recorded and you names/contact details would be added to the recorded material. I a... Read more
Location: Chelmsford
Views: 277
Posted: 4 years ago by kory-c
TagsIndie, Rock, Regge, Classical, Jazz
Description: Hi, guys! I am after musicians willing to participate in audio/visual workshop for teens. I am a visual artist/teacher working on a concept which would stimulate teens to progress more with their creative minds. The sessions would be pre recorded and you names/contact details would be added to the recorded material. I a... Read more
Location: Chelmsford
Views: 271
Posted: 4 years ago by kory-c
TagsIndie, Rock, Regge, Classical, Jazz