There are 1 profile results and 3 listings results.

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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: Hi I'm Jacob Devo I'm 20. I'm a Singer and I'd love to start an Indie Rock band, I'm a massive fan of late 80's - 90's Indie Rock. I have written quite a bit of lyrics, and would 100% be willing to learn Rhythm guitar.
Location: Stourbridge
TagsRadiohead, Pixies, Blur, Smiths, Indie

Here are the 3 results that match your search criteria.

Description: I'm looking for a singer / songwriter to collaborate with and get some songs together, recorded and hopefully gig. I have a ton of songs (no vocals or lyrics), ideas and would love to work with a singer with similar interests or songs. I have most gear and good recording setup at home. Inspirations would be; Radiohead / Tho... Read more
Location: Reading
Views: 100
Posted: 10 months ago by stay-warm
TagsSinger, Ambiant, Radiohead
Description: I'm looking for a singer / songwriter to collaborate with and get some songs together, recorded and hopefully gig. I have a ton of songs (no vocals or lyrics), ideas and would love to work with a singer with similar interests or songs. I have most gear and good recording setup at home. Inspirations would be; Radiohead / ... Read more
Location: Reading
Views: 112
Posted: 10 months ago by stay-warm
TagsSinger, Ambiant, Radiohead
Description: Looking for Bands/Singers to come on our Radio Show FREE PUBLICITY to talk about your Music to 750,000 UK & International Listeners. Interested? Please message for more information.
Location: Washington
Views: 228
Posted: 4 years ago by chatandspin