There are 1 profile results and 7 listings results.

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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: Was a singer in an Indie Rock Covers Band for 10 years. Haven’t gigged since 2011 Want to start singing again and performing in a band. Songs I am comfortable signing - Arctic Monkeys, Oasis, The Beatles, The Stones, Rock and Punk. Happy to audition for Covers or tribute band if possible.
Location: Manchester
TagsArctic, Monkeys, Oasis, The, Beatles

Here are the 7 results that match your search criteria.

Description: I am a singer who performed in an Indie/Rock/Punk band for 10 years from 2001-2011. Started as Oasis/Beatles/Stone Roses then moved into Rock/Punk/Indie - Libertines/Arctic Monkeys. Urmston Area with own transport and really want to do maybe Arctic Monkeys/Oasis but interested in Rock music as well. Can sing blues and e... Read more
Location: Manchester
Views: 95
Posted: 8 months ago by chrisp78
TagsOasis, Arctic, Monkeys, Libertines, Covers
Description: I am a singer who performed in an Indie/Rock/Punk band for 10 years from 2001-2011. Started as Oasis/Beatles/Stone Roses then moved into Rock/Punk/Indie - Libertines/Arctic Monkeys. Urmston Area with own transport and really want to do maybe Arctic Monkeys/Oasis but interested in Rock music as well. Can sing blues and e... Read more
Location: Manchester
Views: 77
Posted: 8 months ago by chrisp78
TagsOasis, Arctic, Monkeys, Libertines, Covers
Description: I am a singer who performed in an Indie/Rock/Punk band for 10 years from 2001-2011. Started as Oasis/Beatles/Stone Roses then moved into Rock/Punk/Indie - Libertines/Arctic Monkeys. Urmston Area with own transport and really want to do maybe Arctic Monkeys/Oasis but interested in Rock music as well. Can sing blues and e... Read more
Location: Manchester
Views: 86
Posted: 9 months ago by chrisp78
TagsOasis, Arctic, Monkeys, Libertines, Indie
Description: I am a singer who performed in an Indie/Rock/Punk band for 10 years from 2001-2011. Started as Oasis/Beatles/Stone Roses then moved into Rock/Punk/Indie - Libertines/Arctic Monkeys. Urmston Area with own transport and really want to do maybe Arctic Monkeys/Oasis but interested in Rock music as well. Can sing blues and e... Read more
Location: Manchester
Views: 97
Posted: 9 months ago by chrisp78
TagsOasis, Arctic, Monkeys, Libertines, Indie
Description: I am a singer who performed in an Indie/Rock/Punj band for 10 years from 2001-2011. Started as Oasis/Beatles/Stone Roses then moved into Rock/Punk/Indie - Libertines/Arctic Monkeys. Urmston Area with own transport and really want to do maybe Arctic Monkeys/Oasis but interested in Rock music as well. Can sing blues and e... Read more
Location: Manchester
Views: 86
Posted: 9 months ago by chrisp78
TagsOasis, Arctic, Monkeys, Libertines, Indie
Description: I am a singer who performed in an Indie/Rock/Pink band for 10 years from 2001-2011. Started as Oasis/Beatles/Stone Roses then moved into Rock/Punk/Indie - Libertines/Arctic Monkeys. My voice suits Artctic Monkeys a lot - Sang there songs for. Day one before they hit the big time. I want to join a band and enjoy sing... Read more
Location: Manchester
Views: 88
Posted: 9 months ago by chrisp78
TagsOasis, Arctic, Monkeys,
Description: Hey! My name is Ben and I am an 18 year old drummer from Derby/Notts. I'm looking to form an Arctic Monkeys tribute band. In need of vocals, lead and rhythm guitars, and a bass guitarist. Requirements: - Have your own equipment and transport - Must be a skilled musician - Be able to practice/gig often - Have an ... Read more
Location: Ilkeston
Views: 134
Posted: 2 years ago by ben-frost
TagsArctic, Monkeys, Guitarist, Vocals, Wanted