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Description: We need a Rhythm player to complete our line up. Now doing Originals and some covers, Blusie Light rock mostly but ranged through Folk and pop. Not Heavy. Based in Huddersfield or nearby
Location: Huddersfield
Views: 20
Posted: 1 month ago by stevegg
TagsLight_Rock, Covers, Originals
Description: Experienced guitarist. 30+ years gigging experience. Funk, soul, disco, light jazz, 70s/80s light rock and pop, etc. Influences: Stevie Wonder, EWAF, Chic Organisation, Jacksons, Crusaders, Lee Ritenour, Steely Dan, Toto, etc. Can work from full notation (not the best sight reader), lead sheets or chords. Interested in eith... Read more
Location: Stourbridge
Views: 222
Posted: 3 years ago by hankbassandguitar
TagsGuitarist, Funk, Jazz, Light-rock,